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Optimize Your Marketing Strategy with Orita

Transform your email & SMS marketing strategies with Orita's suppression platform. Eliminate waste and optimize results for ultimate success.

In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, Atelier Commerce understands the challenges you face in making every communication count. With Email and SMS marketing forming the backbone of your customer engagement strategy, the pursuit of efficiency and effectiveness is relentless. This is where Atelier Commerce, utilizing Orita, becomes an indispensable ally.

Atelier Commerce, with Orita’s integration, presents a comprehensive approach to Email and SMS marketing that is both innovative and reliable. We understand the intricacies of digital marketing and the importance of every customer interaction. Our solution is designed to optimize your marketing campaigns, making them more targeted, more effective, and more attuned to the expectations of your audience.

Orita revolutionizes the way enterprises approach email and SMS marketing, by meticulously cleaning your lists of junk and spam, intelligently merging duplicate accounts, and carefully curating unengaged contacts based on your unique preferences. In just two minutes, you can sign up and begin paying only for contacts that add real value to your campaigns. Their expertly designed platform not only boosts your deliverability and engagement rates but also ensures that you’re not overlooking potential buyers, all while you relish in the savings. Let Orita handle the heavy lifting of list optimization, empowering you to focus on what truly matters – crafting marketing strategies that drive your business forward.

Platform Type

Email & SMS, Data Optimization


Orita provides valuable insights into customer behavior, product performance, and business processes. The platform performs identity resolution to make sense of unorganized data that is usually spread across multiple formats.

Dominate Your Email Marketing Game with Orita - Save Money, Increase Deliverability, and Reach Every Potential Buyer.

  • Cut Costs, Boost Results – Orita’s suppression platform saves your enterprise money by removing unengaged and duplicate contacts from your marketing lists. This means you only reach qualified leads and see improved email deliverability rates.
  • Deliverability that Delights – Say goodbye to spam filters and hello to higher open and click-through rates. Orita’s platform ensures your emails and SMS messages reach the right people at the right time, leading to increased conversions and ROI.
  • No Lead Left Behind – Their continual testing of suppressed accounts guarantees that every potential buyer is reached and engaged with your marketing campaigns. With Orita, you can trust that no lead is missed or forgotten.


savings on email and SMS marketing


increase in click rate


hours saved on analyzing and hand suppressing duplicates and non-responsive accounts

Say Goodbye to Wasted Marketing Spend with Orita's Suppression Platform.

  • Save Money on Your Marketing Spend – With Orita’s suppression platform, you can stop wasting valuable resources on targeting unengaged and spam contacts. This will lower your marketing costs and maximize your ROI.
  • Improve Your Email Deliverability – By removing duplicate and spam contacts, Orita’s platform will boost your email deliverability and ensure that your messages are reaching the right people.
  • Continually Test and Optimize – Orita’s suppression platform allows you to regularly test groups of suppressed accounts, ensuring that no potential buyers are left behind. This means a higher chance of conversions and increased success for your marketing efforts.

What really makes a difference, when you want to use science or data to do something, is that the information that you have is really good. That's what fundamentally matters.

Daniel BradyFounder & CEO, Orita

"We were thrilled to discover Orita's offering. We believed in it so much that we incorporated it into our engagements with Shopify Plus brands on Klaviyo. It's already boosted KPI's across each business including two of our favorites - deliverability and profitability."

Michael McBride

Founder & CEO, Atelier Commerce

Atelier Commerce + Orita Case Study

Atelier originally looked to Orita to identify the gap between how to identify engaged audiences across brands, as these indicators vary greatly across market verticals. They subsequently found that Orita's ripple effects also improved deliverability, boosting MoM ROAS, and lowering platform costs to the brand. The relationship has quickly blossomed from a pilot project to include bundling Orita's offering to their enterprise Klaviyo clientele.

Atelier brands deliverability score increase up to 25 points in 30 days
increase in ROAS
increased Revenue Per Recipient

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